Meet the Team
Faculty Leader English |
Assistant Faculty Leader English with KS4 Responsibility | Curriculum Leader KS3 English |
Curriculum Leader KS5 English/Specialist T&L Coach |
Miss Johnson | Miss Gordon | Miss Barker | Miss Nichols |
Director of Literacy / Teacher of English |
Teacher of English |
Teacher of English / Personal Development Co-ordinator |
Teacher of English |
Mr Lovelady | Mr Murphy | Mrs Sidhu | Mr Durr |
Teacher of English |
Teacher of English |
Lead for Implementation for English / Teacher of English / Head of House | Teacher of English |
Mrs Strettle | Miss McKevitt-Waine | Miss Pennington | Miss McGuinness |
Teacher of English | Teacher of English | ||
Mr Hyams | Miss Williams | National Association for the Teaching of English |
English is unequalled in its importance to the lives of our young learners. We want our students to become experts in reading and writing and acquire knowledge to participate fully in society. Our students are entitled to speak, read and write fluently and confidently, regardless of their background or experience. We want our students to be exposed to the greatest words written by the greatest minds, to generate their own ideas and respond critically, creatively and passionately at length.
Our diverse and knowledge-rich curriculum is fervently delivered by dedicated teachers who are constantly striving to improve their teaching practice and implementation. Our students deserve to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually through the study of a variety of texts. Our students must understand that English is eminent for learning and life; and to foster a love for the written word is to foster a love of discovery.
Every student at The Sutton Academy studies English; it is at the heart of all learning and underpins all other study across the curriculum. The English Faculty is a large team of specialist teachers who deliver their subject with the passion, enthusiasm and energy required to disseminate a love of English Language and English Literature to all students; members of the English Faculty strive to equip students with skills for life and knowledge and learning that will help them to succeed, not only during their time at The Sutton Academy, but also out in the wider world.
Years 7, 8 & 9
What will I study?
In Year 7, you will study the following topics;
- Heroes, Villains, Myths and Monsters
- Clockwork
- The Gothic Genre
- The Tempest
- Oliver Twist
In Year 8, you will study the following topics;
- Frankenstein
- Long Way Down
- Romeo and Juliet
- The Hunger Games
In Year 9, you will study the following topics;
- Blood Brothers,
- Rhetoric/The Hate you Give
- Talking Tales- a study of short stories
- Conscious Crafting- a non-fiction study
- Riots and Rebels, a collection of poetic voices
- Othello
Key Stage 3 students will have one Grammar lesson each week.
What skills will I develop?
Year 7:
- How to read and analyse texts and their contexts
- Identify and use symbolism, metaphor and narrative structure
- Understand context and audience response
- Write fiction and non-fiction pieces
- Understand spelling, punctuation and the rules of grammar
Year 8:
- Apply and develop key skills from Year 7, including analysis of Shakespeare
- Identify and respond to structural techniques
- Develop the knowledge of theatrical forms
- Identify and use Dystopian conventions
- Develop understanding of context and audience response
- Develop fiction and non-fiction writing
- Develop knowledge of spelling punctuation and grammar
Year 9:
- Apply and develop skills from Years 7 and 8, including analysis of theatrical forms
- Apply an understanding of context using societal class and historic events
- Develop an understanding of narrative voice, poetic devices and viewpoint
- Evaluate texts and respond critically to them
- Refine fiction and non-fiction writing skills
- Develop understanding of narrative structure
How will I be assessed?
Year 7:
- Through multiple choice knowledge questions and a short-written response to the topic that will be focused on either reading or writing.
- Two National writing tests per year.
Year 8:
- Through multiple choice knowledge questions and a short-written response to the topic that will be focused on either reading or writing
- Two National writing tests per year.
Year 9:
- Through multiple choice knowledge questions and a short-written response to the topic that will be focused on either reading or writing
- Two National writing tests per year.
Curriculum Maps
Year 7
Unit 1 - Heroes, Villains, Myths and Monsters
Unit 2 - Modern Novel Clockwork
Unit 3 - Thematic Study of Gothic Horror
The Tempest Three Weeks
19th Century Lit Oliver Twist
19th Century Lit Oliver Twist - Booklet 2
Year 8
Year 9
Years 10 & 11
What will I study?
Year 10:
- AQA GCSE Literature
- AQA GCSE English Language
- A Christmas Carol, Macbeth and The Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology
- Paper 1 and Paper 2 English Language Papers
Year 11:
- An Inspector Calls
- Revision of all topics covered in year 10
- Spoken Language element of the Language course
What skills will I develop?
Year 10:
You will develop critical thinking, analytical and academic writing and skills in comparing texts. You will develop speaking and listening skills as well as creative and transactional writing skills.
Year 11:
Building on the skill in Year 10, you will develop sound knowledge of GCSE texts, key revision and planning skills.
How will I be assessed?
Year 10:
- National GCSE Assessment in Year 11: English Language 2x Papers
- Explorations in creative reading and writing
- National GCSE Assessment in Year 11: English Literature 2x Papers
- Responding in detail to a Shakespeare play, a 19th century novel, a modern play and a selection of poetry
- Throughout the course of the year, you will be assessed on questions that reflect the content of the national examinations
Year 11:
- National GCSE Assessment: English Language 2x Papers
- Explorations in creative reading and writing
- National GCSE Assessment: English Literature 2x Papers
- Responding in detail to a Shakespeare play, a 19th century novel, a modern play and a selection of poetry
- Throughout the course of the year, you will be assessed on questions that reflect the content of the national examinations
Year 11 Poetry Support Post Mock Examination
Please click on the following links to access Poetry Support Videos.
Planning Model
Timed Response Model
Curriculum Maps
Year 10
Key Stage 5
What will I study?
Year 12:
- Novel Study – The Literary Bridge
- The Handmaid’s Tale
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- The Paris Anthology
- The poetry of Carol Ann Duffy
Year 13:
- The Great Gatsby
- The Handmaid’s Tale Revision
- A Streetcar Named Desire Revision
- The Paris Anthology Revision
- The poetry of Carol Ann Duffy Revision
What skills will I develop?
Year 12:
- Inference
- Analysis
- Secondary Reading
- Written expression
Year 13:
- Time management
- Workload management
- Reading for meaning
- Critical Reading
How will I be assessed?
Year 12:
- MCQs
- Short Written Tasks (Term 1)
- Longer Written Task
Year 13:
Exam style questions with in-depth teacher feedback
Curriculum Maps
Further Information
At The Sutton Academy, we are committed to curriculum enrichment and believe that work in the classroom is only the start of a child’s learning. Students will be given the opportunity to take part in visits and excursions to enhance their study of English and ensure that they leave our academy with an unwavering passion for literature and a solid understanding of how our language works.