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The Governing Body

The Members Board 

Peter Winter
Alison Sherman
Julia Callaghan
Simon Pierce

The Trust Board
Paul Willerton Peter Winter Nicola Kearney Nick Gribben

Principal Sponsor Governor Co-opted Governor Sponsor Governor
Joanne Davies Gordon Pennington Julie Powell Tim Long

Local Authority
Co-opted Governor Sponsor Governor Co-opted Governor
Amanda Wardell Julie Heap    

Parent Governor Sponsor Governor    

The Governing Body comprises of 10 Governors as detailed below:

Name Category Date of Appointment Committee Membership Details

Paul Willerton

Principal and Governor

September 2020

Standards & Curriculum/Finance & HR 

Nick Gribben

Sponsor Governor

July 2013

Standards & Curriculum

Gordon Pennington

Co-opted Governor

May 2015

Finance and HR (Chair)

Amanda Wardell

Parent Governor

June 2022

Standards & Curriculum
Julie Heap Sponsor Governor December 2023  

Jo Davies

Local Authority Governor

November 2015

Standards & Curriculum/Finance & HR

Peter Winter
(Governing Body Chair)

Sponsor Governor

May 2015

Standards & Curriculum/Finance & HR

Julie Powell

Sponsor Governor

June 2020

Finance & HR

Tim Long

Co-opted Governor

June 2021

Standards & Curriculum

Nicola Kearney

Co-opted Governor

 October 2019

Standards & Curriculum (Chair)

Governors who have left the Governing Body in the last 12 months

    Date of Appointment End Date

Victoria Smith

Sponsor Governor

June 2022

27 November 2023

Governing Body Summary from academic year: 2022/2023 
Governor Meetings Attended Out of a Possible

Mr P Willerton



Mr N Gribben



Mr G Pennington



Mrs V Smith



Mr P Winter



Mrs A Wardell



Mrs J Powell



Mrs N Kearney



Mr T Long



Mrs J Davies



Finance and HR Committee:

Governor Meetings Attended Out of a Possible
Mr P Winter 4 4
Mr G Pennington 4 4
Mr P Willerton 3 4
Mrs V Smith 2 2
Mrs A Wardell 2 2
Mrs J Powell 4 4

Standards and Curriculum Committee:

Governor Meetings Attended Out of a Possible
Mr P Winter  4 4
Mr N Gribben 3 4
Mr P Willerton 4 4
Mrs J Davies 3 4
Mrs N Kearney 4 4
Mr T Long 4 4
Mrs V Smith 3 3
Mrs A Wardell 2 3

The Sutton Academy Constitution of Governors:

Up to 9 Sponsor Governors appointed by the Academy Sponsor/Members Total
Peter Winter 1
Nick Gribben 1
Julie Powell 1
Julie Heap 1
Up to 5 Co-opted Governors appointed by Governors Total
Nicola Kearney 1
Gordon Pennington 1
Tim Long 1
1 Parent Governor elected by parents of registered students at the Academy Total
Amanda Wardell 1
1 Governor appointed by the Local Authority Total
Jo Davies 1
The Principal - is a Governor due to his role as Principal (ex-officio: by right of office) Total
Paul Willerton 1

The Sutton Academy Constitution of Members:

The Sponsor Total
Simon Pierce 1
Up to 4 Governors appointed by the Sponsor Total
Julia Callaghan 1
The Chair of Governors Total
Peter Winter 1
Governors appointed by Members Total
Alison Sherman 1


 Any previous minutes are available from the Clerk.