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Academy Uniform

We believe that uniform is an important part in showing that students have pride in themselves and in the academy.

All uniform items are available to purchase from our official uniform supplier, Price & Buckland.

Academy Uniform 

Compulsory Items
These Compulsory Items need to be worn all year round.

Branded academy blazer 
Academy tie 
Plain white shirt - long or short-sleeved
Plain black trousers or academy skirt (all sizes are available in regular or long length)
Plain black, white or grey socks or plain black tights
Plain black shoes
Plain bag

Optional Item

Academy v-neck sweater

* Branded/specific items above should be purchased via our official uniform supplier, Price & Buckland (please use the Uniform Shop 'quicklink', or shortcut below)

* Plain items can be purchased from any high-street retail outlet.

PE Kit 

Compulsory Items 
These Compulsory Items need to be worn all year round.

Branded PE black unisex sports polo shirt
Plain black sports bottoms - either sports shorts (no cycling shorts), leggings (below knee length or longer) or tracksuit bottoms
Sports trainers / Astroturf trainers

Optional Items

Branded black PE mid-layer top
Plain black sports jackets (not designer)
Football boots

All clothing and footwear should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.

* Branded/specific items above should be purchased via our official uniform supplier, Price & Buckland (please use the Uniform Shop 'quicklink', or shortcut below)

* Plain items can be purchased from any high-street retail outlet.

 Acceptable and non-acceptable shoes

Jewellery and make-up

The only permitted item of jewellery is a wristwatch (not a smart-watch) and/or plain single ear-studs.  No other jewellery piercings or retainers of any kind are allowed.

No make-up is to be worn. No nail varnish or acrylic nails are permitted, even in natural colours.

HAIRCUTS:  We do not wish to dictate details of hairstyles, but we do seek your co-operation in ensuring that your sons and daughters are moderate in whatever style they choose.  Hair colour should be natural and not dyed.  There should be no extreme styles and no shaved patterns in hair or eyebrows.

Order academy branded uniform by clicking on the following link.


We’re really excited to share this fantastic new video resource with you! It’s a useful tool to help parents navigate the new Price & Buckland website. The video explains everything you need to know.

Pre-Loved Uniform 

The Department for Education have asked all schools to ensure that uniform items are accessible, of good quality and affordable to parents and carers. The academy’s official uniform supplier, Price & Buckland, have confirmed they will ensure that all of their products meet the required standard.

The academy welcomes all donations of pre-loved uniform which we will wash, store and recycle for parents/carers upon request.

Please contact us if you have any questions -