Retention & Destination Data
Retention (this is the proportion of students who get to the end of the main programme of study that they enrolled on at your institution) (Shown separately for A levels, academic, applied general and tech level qualifications).
Cohort and the number not retained by qualification types. Data is shown for all learners.
A Level | Applied general |
Tech level (L3) |
Percentage of students completing their main study programme | 2023 | TBC | TBC | TBC |
A Level | Applied general |
Tech level (L3) |
Percentage of students retained for a second year in the main study programme |
2023 | TBC | TBC | TBC |
Retained - Students who complete their main programme of study.
Retained for second year (level 3 only) - Students who return and complete a second year, completing an aim of size equivalent to at least one A level.
Destinations (this is the percentage of students who continue in education or training, or move on to employment at the end of 16 to 19 study).
2019/2020 (53 students in scope) |
2020/2021 (51 students in scope) |
2021/2022 (75 students in scope) |
Sustained education, employment or training | Average 75% | Average 75% | Average 84% |
Any sustained education | Average 47% | Sig below 37% | Average 45% |
Sustained employment | Average 21% | Average 35% | Average 32% |
Sustained apprenticeship | Average 8% | Average 2% | Average 7% |
Destination not sustained | Average 21% | Sig above 24% | Average 13% |
Activity not captured | Average 4% | Average 2% | Average 3% |