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Ofsted Good Rating

Retention & Destination Data

Retention (this is the proportion of students who get to the end of the main programme of study that they enrolled on at your institution) (Shown separately for A levels, academic, applied general and tech level qualifications).

Cohort and the number not retained by qualification types.  Data is shown for all learners.

  A Level Applied
Tech level
Percentage of students completing their main study programme 2023 TBC TBC TBC


  A Level Applied
Tech level
Percentage of students retained for a second
year in the main study programme

Retained - Students who complete their main programme of study. 
Retained for second year (level 3 only) - Students who return and complete a second year, completing an aim of size equivalent to at least one A level. 

Destinations (this is the percentage of students who continue in education or training, or move on to employment at the end of 16 to 19 study).

(53 students
in scope)
(51 students
in scope)
(75 students in scope)
Sustained education, employment or training Average 75% Average 75% Average 84%
Any sustained education Average 47% Sig below 37% Average 45%
Sustained employment Average 21% Average 35% Average 32%
Sustained apprenticeship Average 8% Average 2% Average 7%
Destination not sustained Average 21% Sig above 24% Average 13%
Activity not captured Average 4% Average 2% Average 3%