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Ofsted Good Rating

Career Connect

Students at the academy work closely with Career Connect a charity who are passionate about providing high quality independent careers advice, bridging the gap to learning and employment and better life chances for young people and adults.

Below is a selection of information provided by Career Connect:

  • One-to-one careers information, advice, and guidance interviews for students, including goal-focused action planning.
  • Targeted sessions for all year groups, based on evidence of need for maximum impact. Topics include digital careers, building resilience, and challenging career stereotypes.
  • Support with applications to Post-16 education, employment and training opportunities and specialist advice and information for HE applications.
  • Work Experience placements and internships.
  • Careers Fairs and direct links with local employers.
  • Get Connected – our digital careers platform brings together student career activities (designed by our experts), monitoring and reporting, allowing you to track and demonstrate the impact of your careers programme. Aligned with each Gatsby benchmark, and fully integrable with MIS systems and Compass Plus.

Our Careers Advisor, Lia Black, holds drop-in sessions on Thursdays and Fridays and students are offered a range of 1:1 and small group career advice meetings. Both Mrs Sidhu and Lia Black are available at Options Evenings and Partnership Evenings to consult with parents, guardians and students.