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Ofsted Good Rating

Graduated Approach

At the Sutton Academy we implement a graduated approach when supporting students and their attendance:

Graduated Approach
Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
What this means This level is our universal offer for all students and should secure good attendance with the majority of students. This level provides effective strategies to promote good attendance with those whose attendance causes concern. This level also provides an effective plan with multi-agency support strategies to significantly improve attendance. This step is taken when all attempts to support improved attendance has failed. In this case issuing a fixed penalty notice and legal proceedings need to need to be considered. 
What this includes
  • Quality first teaching
  • Engagement in the academy offer
  • Regular communication between the academy and home
  • Attendance support plans
  • Targeted intervention and possible multi-agency support
  • Involvement of the SEND / inclusion team
  • Fixed penalty notices
  • Prosecution
  • School attendance orders
When we will move to the next stage When attendance begins to drops between 96% and 90% we will look to move on to Level 2. When attendance drops below 85% we will look to move to Level 3.  

At each level we implement a ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review' cycle.

The Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle is a key part of the graduated response to meet the needs of our students:

  1. ASSESS – your child’s needs are identified.
  2. PLAN – An individual plan is made to meet their needs.
  3. DO – Is when the plan is put in place, monitored, and adjusted.
  4. REVIEW – Check how well the support is working and informs changes if needed.

We will usually review any planned actions after a 6-week monitoring period, although in some circumstances we may bring the review period forward.