Microsoft Teams
Easier access to student work.
To ensure that our students are able to access their work more easily when they are absent we will no longer be using Satchel One for “absence work” but using Microsoft Teams. This change will take place from Monday 22 November 2021.
Microsoft Teams enables students to access the work for each subject in one location and removes the challenges we found students faced when trying to use the calendar feature on Satchel One. It also ensures that students do not get confused over what has been set as a home learning task and what has been set for those students who are unable to attend.
All students have been enrolled into their classes on Microsoft Teams and when they access their class they will see a folder called “absence work”; if your child is absent from school due to illness or because they are self-isolating this folder will contain all the relevant lesson material for that subject.
Students have received training on how to use this platform in their ICT lessons so they will be familiar with many of its key features and how to navigate around the platform. We have also added a quick link to this platform via our website and a step by step guide to support students logging into Microsoft Teams from home which can be downloaded.
To re-iterate: all home learning will continue to be set on Satchel One; Microsoft Teams is to be used only if a student is absent or self-isolating.