First Take School of Acting visit
Students enjoy a workshop delivered by First Take School of Acting.
On Tuesday 28th January, we had the pleasure of welcoming First Take School of Acting to the academy to work with our GCSE and enrichment drama students.
An exciting workshop was delivered to the groups which involved students creating their very own soap scene complete with cliffhanger. With topics such as bullying and teenage pregnancy the students put together some fantastic scenes that really impressed our visitors from FTS.
A session called Shakespeare got the groups warmed up with them acting out different scenes from the likes of Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Hamlet. It is safe to say there were some interesting versions!
We thank our visitors from First Take School of Acting for a fantastic afternoon that not only the students enjoyed but also the staff.
Head over to our YouTube Channel to see an interview with actor Keane Sudworth who worked with our students during the afternoon too.