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History at The Sutton Academy is about encouraging a love and enjoyment for History. The History curriculum will allow students to have a diverse and deep understanding of the past and relate this to how it impacts on our present and future. History is a subject that demands reading, engagement and thought. The skills gained will enable students to become critical thinkers who are able to articulate and explain themselves in a considered way.

Years 7, 8 & 9 

What will I study?

In Year 7, you will study the following topics;

  • Pre 1066 - Medieval Baghdad and Anglo Saxon England
  • The Impact of the Norman Invasion
  • The Silk Roads: How connected was the Medieval World?
  • When worlds collide: The Islamic world and the Crusades
  • Who held power in the Medieval world?
  • Medieval Mali and Mansa Musa
  • What impact did the Mongols have on Europe?
  • How tolerant was Tudor England?
  • A study of Mughal India & Elizabethan England

In Year 8, you will study the following topics;

  • How and why did the power of the Monarchy decline in the 17th Century?
  • What can we learn about African Kingdoms in the 17th Century?
  • The Transatlantic Slave and it’s impact on the people of West Africa.
  • How much did Britain transform during the Industrial revolution?
  • Protest and the people in 18th and 19th Century Britain
  • The causes and development of the British Empire
  • Was America the land of the free?

In Year 9, you will study the following topics;

  • Women’s suffrage – why did it take so long for Women to get the vote?
  • WW1 – Causes and different experiences
  • The Russian Revolution. Did it achieve its aims?
  • To what extent has America always been a divided nation?
  • To what extent was victory in WW2 due to Winston Churchill?
  • How was the holocaust allowed to happen and why must it be remembered?
  • How far did the legacy of empire impact on Britain after WW2?
  • Modern Britain – why is society the way it is today
What skills will I develop?

Year 7:

  • I will begin to look at contemporary sources and understand how a historian uses this as evidence.
  • We will look at some historical skills such as change and continuity and similarity and difference.

Year 8:

  • Begin to study in more depth skills such as determining the significance of events and how historians can have different interpretations.

Year 9:

  • The ability to interpret evidence and firmly formulate and support judgements in my writing.
  • The historical concepts from Y7-Y9 will be refined and built on throughout Y9.
How will I be assessed?

Year 7:

  • You will be assessed by a combination of multiple-choice knowledge quizzes, vocabulary checks, extended writing and historical source and interpretation questions.
  • A range of historical skills (Second order concepts) will also be assessed at various points across the year.

Year 8:

  • You will be assessed by a combination of multiple-choice knowledge quizzes, vocabulary checks, extended writing and historical source and interpretation questions.
  • A range of historical skills (Second order concepts) will also be assessed at various points across the year. You will constantly be assessed on knowledge you have studied from Y7 to now.

Year 9:

  • You will be assessed by a combination of multiple-choice knowledge quizzes, vocabulary checks, extended writing and historical source and interpretation questions.
  • A range of historical skills (Second order concepts) will also be assessed at various points across the year. You will constantly be assessed on knowledge you have studied from Y7 to Y9.

Curriculum Maps 

Years 10 & 11 

What will I study?

Year 10:

  • You will study a range of topics such as Democracy and Dictatorship: Germany 1890 – 45 and Conflict and Tension between East and West 1945 – 1972 (The Cold War)

Year 11:

  •  The migration of peoples to and from Britain from c790 to the present day and a British depth study on Elizabethan England 1568 - 1603
What skills will I develop?

Year 10:

  • You will be taught essay writing skills and understand how to study historical sources and interpretations. This will also strengthen your ability to analyse, explain and infer.
  • As a result of these skills you will be able to make substantiated judgements, a highly prized skill by future employers. 

Year 11:

  • You will be taught essay writing skills and understand how to study historical sources and interpretations. This will also strengthen your ability to analyse, explain and infer.
  • As a result of these skills you will be able to make substantiated judgements, a highly prized skill by future employers. 
How will I be assessed?

Year 10:

  • You will be assessed regularly throughout the course, at the end of each topic/ module by a range of exam style questions. You will finish the course by completing 2 – 2 hour long exams at the end of Y11.
  • Both exams are based on the content of the course. You will also have frequent knowledge checks in class to consolidate knowledge.

Year 11:

  • You will be assessed regularly throughout the course, at the end of each topic/ module by a range of exam style questions. You will finish the course by completing 2 – 2 hour long exams at the end of Y11.
  • Both exams are based on the content of the course. You will also have frequent knowledge checks in class to consolidate knowledge.

Curriculum Maps 

Key Stage 5 

What will I study?

Year 12:

  • Tsarist and Communist Russia - 1855 - 1964
  • The Making of Modern Britain - 1951-2007
  • German Unification in the 19th Century

Year 13:

  • Tsarist and Communist Russia - 1855 - 1964
  • The Making of Modern Britain - 1951-2007
  • German Unification in the 19th Century
What skills will I develop?

Year 12:

  • You will build on the skills from GCSE while developing independent research techniques and analytical writing.
  • You will also develop investigative skills when planning and executing your individual research piece at the end of A Level for your NEA (coursework)

Year 13: 

  • You will build on the skills from GCSE while developing independent research techniques and analytical writing.
  • You will also develop investigative skills when planning and executing your individual research piece at the end of A Level for your NEA (coursework)
How will I be assessed?

Year 12: 

  • You will be assessed regularly throughout the year using exam questions. Your exams will consist of assessment of the content taught (80%) and via a piece of coursework (NEA 20%) – You will also have frequent knowledge checks and quizzes to consolidate the vast amount of knowledge covered.

Year 13: 

  • You will be assessed regularly throughout the year using exam questions. Your exams will consist of assessment of the content taught (80%) and via a piece of coursework (NEA 20%) – You will also have frequent knowledge checks and quizzes to consolidate the vast amount of knowledge covered.

Curriculum Maps