Reporting an Absence
For a planned appointment
1. Send in a copy of the paperwork for the appointment as soon as possible (such as letter or appointment card) marked for the attention of the attendance officer, or bring the original to either reception, who will take a copy for you.
2. On the day of the appointment write a letter, including the time you wish the student to leave The Academy in your letter on the date or week of the appointment so the form tutor is also aware and the teacher can release a student to sign out.
3. Student should report to student reception to be signed out.
Except for very rare occasions there is no need for any student to take a whole day off school for an appointment.
For unexpected illness or exceptional event
- The Academy must be notified EVERY DAY the student is absent unless the Doctor has set a period of absence. You can do this by:
- phoning the Academy on 01744 678 859 and recording a message on the absence line
- replying back with the reasons your child is absent to the absence text message sent on the day of the absence
- For an absence of 5 or more days parents/carers must supply the Academy with a doctor’s note or medical evidence.
To request Exceptional leave of absence
If you wish to request exceptional leave then please collect an authorised absence request form from either reception, or the bottom of this policy to be submitted to the Principal.
Please note:
As of October 2013 the Principal will be unable to grant any leave during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. There has been an amendment in The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006.
These amendments make clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Sutton Academy will adhere to the new amendments. If parents’ apply for exceptional leave of absence and the request is refused, a Fixed Penalty Notice can be issued if parents’ persist in taking the child out of school.