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For more details on our Policies and Procedures view/download the links below.  Further to this, please contact us at The Sutton Academy by writing or alternatively email at

Statutory Policies
Policy Title Responsible: Trust Board /
Committee / ALT
Date Last Approved by
Trust Board
Responsible Person

View /


Accessibility Plan Trust Board 13/12/2022 Mr P Willerton Download
Administering Medication ALT N/A Mr N Marsh Download
Admissions 2023/2024 Trust Board 26/11/2021 Mr P Willerton Download
Admissions 2024/2025 Trust Board 13/12/2022 Mr P Willerton Download
Trust Board 12/03/2024 Mr P Willerton Download
Attendance & Punctuality ALT N/A Mr R Hodgson Download
Behaviour For Learning Standards & Curriculum 12/12/2023 Ms G Medare Download
Careers Education (CEIAG) ALT N/A Ms G Medare Download
Complaints Trust Board 13/12/2022 Mr P Willerton Download
Data Protection & GDPR Finance & HR 13/12/2022 Mr P Blakemore Download
Equality & Diversity Trust Board 20/06/2023 Mr P Willerton Download
Exam Access Arrangements ALT 12/12/2023 Mrs A Herron Download
Freedom of Information Finance & HR 13/12/2022 Mr P Blakemore Download
Health & Safety Trust Board 13/12/2022 TBC  Download
Health Education Standards & Curriculum N/A Ms G Medare Download
Medical Attention ALT N/A Mr N Marsh Download
Provider Access ALT N/A Ms G Medare Download
Pupil Premium Standards & Curriculum/ Trust Board 12/12/2023 Mr K Harker Download
Relationships & Sex Education Standards & Curriculum January 2023 Ms G Medare Download
Safeguarding & Child Protection Trust Board 12/12/2023 Mr K Harker Download
SEND Standards & Curriculum 12/12/2023 Mrs A Herron Download
Site Security ALT N/A Mr N Marsh Download
Student ICT Acceptable Usage Agreement ALT N/A Mr N Marsh Download
Whistleblowing Finance & HR 20/06/2023 Mrs J Tallant Download
Non-Statutory Policies
Policy Title Responsible:
Trust Board / Committee / ALT
Date Last
Approved by Trust Board
Responsible Person View /
Anti-Bullying Standards & Curriculum 13/12/2022 Ms G Medare Download
Anti-Smoking ALT N/A Ms G Medare Download
Assessment/Report Marking & Feedback Standards & Curriculum 26/11/2021 Miss L Gobin Download
*Charging and Remissions Policy can be found in the Financial Regulations Policy (Annex 6) Download
Curriculum ALT N/A Mr D Hudson Download
Educational Visits Trust Board 13/12/2022 Mr D Johnson Download
Estates Strategy Finance & HR/Trust Board 20/06/2023 Mr N Marsh Download
Examinations Contingency ALT N/A Mr P Blakemore Download
Financial Regulations Finance & HR/Trust Board 17/10/2023 Mrs J Tallant Download
First Aid ALT N/A TBC  Download
Home Learning ALT N/A Mrs L Grace Download
Home School Agreement Standards & Curriculum N/A Ms G Medare Download
Learner Appeals ALT N/A Mr P Blakemore Download
Mobile Phone ALT N/A Ms G Medare Download
Provider Access ALT N/A Ms G Medare Download
Pupil Absence - Catch Up Work ALT N/A Miss L Gobin Download
Quality Assurance ALT N/A Mr P Blakemore Download
Uniform and Equipment ALT N/A Ms G Medare Download
Use of CCTV Systems ALT N/A Mr P Blakemore Download

* Please view/download the Department for Education Guidance and Information for Keeping Children Safe in Education below.