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Curriculum Plan 

The curriculum and the effective implementation of that curriculum is at the heart of The Sutton Academy.  All students, whatever their ability, need or starting point are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum rich in knowledge and experience. Students at The Sutton Academy are supported to achieve their full potential and beyond through the provision of a cohesive but diverse curriculum.

Key Stage 3:

All students who joined the academy from September 2019 follow a 3-year Key Stage 3 curriculum model, where they study the breadth and depth of the National Curriculum in Years 7, 8 and 9.  In Years 7, 8 & 9 the curriculum is delivered in three bands and covers the National Curriculum in breadth and depth.  Band 1 and 2 are parallel and contain a similar mix and number of students.  Band 3 is our Gold pathway which provides a more specialised curriculum for students with a range of additional needs.

In Key Stage 3, students study the full National Curriculum in:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • R.E.
  • Spanish
  • Digital Literacy
  • Performing Arts
  • Art
  • Design Technology Rotation
  • P.E.
  • PSHE & Citizenship
Key Stage 4:

At the end of Year 9 these students continue to study the core curriculum which includes English, Mathematics, Science, RE, Digital Literacy and PE.  They will also will choose further options to study alongside these core subjects.  These option subjects are selected to further diversify the curriculum they studied in Key Stage 3 and allows students to study in further detail subjects for which they have a particular passion or interest.

In Years 10 and 11, students will follow one of three distinct pathways, Purple, Green or White Pathway. 

  1. Students in the Purple Pathway will follow the English Baccalaureate and study Spanish, plus either Geography or History, plus two free choices from the suite of subjects below. 
  2. Students in the Green Pathway will study either Spanish, Geography or History, plus three free choices from the suite of subjects below.  Students can opt to study the English Baccalaureate by choosing Spanish, History or Geography as one of their free choices.
  3. Students in the White Pathway can opt to study all of the same subjects as students in the Purple and Green Pathway plus some additional choices.   Students can opt to study the English Baccalaureate by choosing Spanish, History or Geography for their free choices.

We strongly believe that our curriculum pathways are used to guide students’ subject choices rather than dictate them. 

The subjects’ students can choose to study for their GCSE options include:

Art, Craft & Design
Computer Science
Design Technology
Food Preparation & Nutrition 
Physical Education
Religious Education
Business & Enterprise
Health & Social Care
Hospitality & Catering

Key Stage 5:

Our Sixth Form offers students a diverse range of Level 3 Vocational and Academic qualifications as well as GCSE resit opportunities for Maths and English.  Students at key Stage 5 have the opportunity to study new subjects such as Psychology and Criminology.  Entry requirements for the Sixth Form are five grades 4 and above at GCSE, with some specific A Level subjects having additional entry requirements.   The curriculum is a fully 'blended' A Level and Vocational curriculum, with the majority of students choosing to follow a personalised pathway bespoke to their interests.  Many students opt to study an entirely academic pathway focusing only on A Levels.   Further details of this are available in the sixth form section on the web page.

Please select the relevant year group for the current academic year for further detail on the curriculum plan for the students in that year.  

Year 7 (KS3 Curriculum Model) 

In Year 7, the curriculum is delivered in three bands and covers the National Curriculum in breadth and depth.

  • Band 1 and 2 are parallel and contains a similar mix and number of student groups.
  • Band 3 is our Gold pathway which provides a more bespoke curriculum for students with a range of additional learning needs.

Students in Bands 1 & 2 study the National Curriculum in the following subjects for the following number of periods:

Subject Number of Periods
English 10
Mathematics 8
Science 6
History 3
Geography 3
R.E. 2
Spanish 4
Digital Literacy * 2
Music 2
Art 2
Design Technology Rotation 4
P.E. 4
PSHE & Citizenship** 0

* Digital Literacy lessons cover the National Curriculum for Computing and essential Digital Literacy skills.

** PSHE & Citizenship is delivered through Ready to Learn sessions and a rolling programme of one period a week every two weeks. 

Students in Band 3 study the National Curriculum in the following subjects for the following number of periods.  The curriculum for these students has been tailored to meet the needs of the students. 

Subject Number of Periods
English 8
Mathematics 8
Science 6
Geography/History/RE 6
Social Skills 2
WIT/Organisational Skills 2
Targeted Numeracy and Literacy 2
Spanish 2
Digital Literacy* 2
Music 2
Art 2
Design Technology Rotation 4
P.E. 4
PSHE** 0

 * Digital Literacy lessons cover the National Curriculum for Computing and essential Digital Literacy skills.

** PSHE & Citizenship is delivered through Ready to Learn sessions and a rolling programme of one period a week every two weeks. 

Year 8 (KS3 Curriculum Model) 

In Year 8, the curriculum is delivered in three bands and covers the National Curriculum in breadth and depth.

  • Band 1 and 2 are parallel and contains a similar mix and number of student groups.
  • Band 3 is our Gold pathway which provides a more bespoke curriculum for students with a range of additional learning needs.

Students in Bands 1 & 2 study the National Curriculum in the following subjects for the following number of periods.  Whilst all students must study music, students are given an option to diversify their study of Performing Arts by selecting either Drama or Dance.  Students can opt to study Music only if they wish to do so. 

Subject Number of Periods
English 10
Mathematics 8
Science 6
History 3
Geography 3
R.E. 2
Spanish 4
Digital Literacy * 2
Performing Arts Rotation (Music/Dance/Drama)** 2
Art 2
Design Technology Rotation 4
P.E. 4
PSHE & Citizenship*** 0

* Digital Literacy lessons cover the National Curriculum for Computing and essential Digital Literacy skills.

** 1 period of Music PLUS either 1 period of Music OR 1 period of Dance OR 1 period of Drama

*** PSHE & Citizenship is delivered through Ready to Learn sessions and a rolling programme of one period a week every two weeks.

Students in Band 3 study the National Curriculum in the following subjects for the following number of periods. Whilst all students must study music, students are given an option to diversify their study of Performing Arts by selecting either Drama or Dance.  Students can opt to study Music only if they wish to do so.   The curriculum for these students has been tailored to meet the needs of the students.  

Subject Number of Periods
English 8
Mathematics 8
Science 6
Geography/History/RE 6
Social Skills 2
WIT/Organisational Skills 2
Targeted Numeracy and Literacy 2
Spanish 2
Digital Literacy* 2
Performing Arts Rotation (Music/Dance/Drama)** 2
Art 2
Design Technology Rotation 4
P.E. 4
PSHE*** 0

* Digital Literacy lessons cover the National Curriculum for Computing and essential Digital Literacy skills.

** 1 period of Music PLUS either 1 period of Music OR 1 period of Dance OR 1 period of Drama

*** PSHE & Citizenship is delivered through Ready to Learn sessions and a rolling programme of one period a week every two weeks. 

Year 9 (KS3 Curriculum Model) 

In Year 9, the curriculum is delivered in three bands and covers the National Curriculum in breadth and depth.

  • Band 1 and 2 are parallel and contains a similar mix and number of student groups.
  • Band 3 is our Gold pathway which provides a more bespoke curriculum for students with a range of additional learning needs.

Students in Bands 1 & 2 study the National Curriculum in the following subjects for the following number of periods.  Whilst all students must study music, students are given an option to diversify their study of Performing Arts by selecting either Drama or Dance.  Students can opt to study Music only if they wish to do so. 

Subject Number of Periods
English 10
Mathematics 8
Science 7
History 4
Geography 4
R.E. 2
Spanish 3
Digital Literacy * 2
Performing Arts Rotation (Music/Dance/Drama)** 2
Art 2
Design Technology Rotation 2
P.E. 4
PSHE & Citizenship*** 0

* Digital Literacy lessons cover the National Curriculum for Computing and essential Digital Literacy skills.

** 1 period of Music PLUS either 1 period of Music OR 1 period of Dance OR 1 period of Drama

*** PSHE & Citizenship is delivered through Ready to Learn sessions and a rolling programme of one period a week every two weeks.

Students in Band 3 study the National Curriculum in the following subjects for the following number of periods. Whilst all students must study music, students are given an option to diversify their study of Performing Arts by selecting either Drama or Dance.  Students can opt to study Music only if they wish to do so.   The curriculum for these students has been tailored to meet the needs of the students.  

Subject Number of Periods
English 8
Mathematics 8
Science 7
Geography/History/RE 8
Social Skills 2
WIT/Organisational Skills 2
Targeted Numeracy and Literacy 2
Spanish 2
Digital Literacy* 2
Performing Arts Rotation** 2
Art 2
Design Technology Rotation 2
P.E. 4
PSHE*** 0

* Digital Literacy lessons cover the National Curriculum for Computing and essential Digital Literacy skills.

** 1 period of Music PLUS either 1 period of Music OR 1 period of Dance OR 1 period of Drama

*** PSHE & Citizenship is delivered through Ready to Learn sessions and a rolling programme of one period a week every two weeks. 

Years 10 & 11 (KS4 Curriculum Model) 

Students in Year 10 and 11 chose all 4 of their GCSE options at the end of Year 9.

Subject Number of Periods
English 9
Mathematics 8
Science 9
R.E. 1
I.T.* 1
P.E. 2
Option 1 5
Option 2 5
Option 3 5
Option 4 5
PSHE** 0

* I.T. lessons cover the National Curriculum for Computing and essential I.T. skills.

** PSHE & Citizenship is delivered through Ready to Learn sessions and a rolling programme of one period a week every two weeks.