Overview Statement
- All students will be enrolled on a study programme, which typically combines qualifications and other activities (enrichment), and which is tailored to each student’s prior attainment and career goals.
- Every study programme will have a core aim. This is the principal activity or core purpose of a students’ programme and will usually be the component that has the largest number of planned hours.
- All students who have yet to achieve a grade 4 in Mathematics or English at GCSE level will be enrolled on a study programme to support the student to progress to further/higher education or onto employment.
- Students will be given time to complete one week of work experience to facilitate them when gaining real experience and knowledge of the workplace.
- All students will participate in non-qualification activities through our tailored and bespoke enrichment and HAP programmes to develop students' character, personal skills, confidence and support progression.
- All study programmes will provide students with a structured and challenging learning programme that supports their development and progression in line with their career plans be that at next educational level (4) or employment.
- Study programmes have been designed to be full-time with a minimum of 600 planned hours per academic year.