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Home Learning

Students will be given home learning regularly at The Sutton Academy.

Learning takes place inside and outside the classroom. It is The Sutton Academy’s policy to set home learning using ClassCharts. It should support students, be clear, be planned, meaningful, and be set regularly. 

What is Home Learning?

  • Home learning refers to any learning activities which students are asked to do outside lesson time, be it at home or in the academy.
  • Home learning should not prevent students from participating in enrichment activities after academy hours such as sport, academic or creative.
  • Home learning should not impact adversely on the home life of each student.
  • The Academy recognises that the environment in which students complete home learning varies significantly so will make every effort to help the home create conditions conducive to learning or to provide alternative arrangements within the Academy.

In Years 7, 8 & 9, the number of subjects per evening varies depending upon the teaching timetable within school.

Subject Frequency
English Two pieces of home learning will be set by the class teacher each week. 
1) Directed by the teacher
2) Independent study*
Maths Two pieces of home learning will be set by the class teacher each week.
1) Directed by the teacher
2) Independent study*
Science Two pieces of home learning will be set by the class teacher each week.
1) Directed by the teacher
2) Independent study*
History Once a week
Geography Once a week
RE Once a fortnight
Art Once a fortnight
Music Once a fortnight
Technology Once a fortnight
Computer Science Half termly project
Drama Half termly project
PE Half termly project

* Independent study home learning will vary each week and may include work such as reading, learning times tables and researching information surrounding a specific topic.

Years 10 & 11

There is an expectation at Key Stage 4 that all subjects will set home learning at least once a week, however additional home learning may be set by discretion of the classroom teacher and this will be based around controlled assessments, mock exams and coursework deadlines.

Students must remember to:

  1. Log into ClassCharts on a daily basis to check their personal home learning planner.
  2. To ask staff if home learning is not clear and to attend home learning support sessions in specific subject areas / Home Learning Club if required.
  3. To undertake all home learning tasks to the best of their ability.
  4. To hand in all home learning by the due date.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to seek help if required

Parents can log in to check what home learning has been set, and when it needs to be submitted.

Home Learning clubs and IT facilities are provided at lunch or after school if students are unable to access online.

(If there is a genuine reason for not doing part of or all of the home learning, an explanatory note must be provided).