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We strive for the highest possible levels of achievement for all our students and are committed to providing the highest standards of teaching and learning.  In return we have very high expectations of student behaviour and their commitment to their learning.

Behaviour For Learning

At The Sutton Academy, the highest possible standards are clearly communicated, consistently demonstrated and upheld by all staff and students at all times. Students appreciate that our high standards are crucial in preparing them for success, both now and in the future. Staff and students take great pride in maintaining the high standards in our learning community, demonstrating the ‘Better Never Stops’ mentality. Underpinning this is the fact that teachers are highly effective at establishing positive relationships in their classrooms, which students value and respond well to.

"A range of opportunities are provided for students to learn about British Values.  The academy promotes students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well."

Ofsted - February 2017

The Sutton Academy Attitude To Learning Criteria

To download a copy of the Attitude to Learning Criteria click on the link below.

We are dedicated to a culture of the highest expectations.


  • All students have a bag, which is able to contain A4 exercise books, pencil case with equipment listed below and PE kit.
  • All students have a reading book.
  • All students have the following items for lessons: Pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, pencil sharpener.

We also recommend:

  • For mathematics lessons students need: protractor and pair of compasses.  A scientific calculator is recommended. Calculators can be purchased from the mathematics department and are priced at £8.50

During Ready to Learn each year group runs an academy shop where students can buy basic equipment.