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Medical Attention

The Sutton Academy strives to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of our students is paramount.

Prescription Medicines
  • Medicines should only be taken to the academy or other setting when essential; that is where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if the medicine were not administered.
  • The academy will only accept medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or pharmacist prescriber.  Medicines must be in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescribers’ instructions for administration.  No medicines will be accepted that have been taken out of the container or make changes to dosages on parental instructions.
  • Parents/Carers must put the request for the administration of medication in writing and complete a parental consent form for the administration of medication.
  • Any member of staff who administers medicines should do so in accordance with the prescriber’s instructions.
  • Controlled drugs will be kept in a non-portable container and only named staff should have access, a record will be kept for audit and safety purposes.
  • All medicines including controlled drugs will need to be collected by the parent when no longer required to arrange for safe disposal.  
Non-Prescription Medicines
  • Staff will never give a non-prescribed medicine to a child unless there is specific written permission from parents.
  • If a child suffers regularly from frequent or acute pain, parents will be encouraged to refer the matter to the child’s GP.
  • If the staff are in any doubt about a procedure, the medicines will not be administered until a check can be made with the parent or a health professional.
  • Non-prescribed painkillers (e.g. paracetamol) are no longer kept in the Academy. 
  • Parents MUST complete the relevant form below prior to the medication being administered by staff. 
  • Students are not allowed to carry any medication on their person, we can't administer Ibruprofen
  • All tablets need to be in a packet not a single strip

The information below is to inform parents and carers of the instances that may occur, resulting in the academy contacting you.

Parents or carers are currently contacted:

  • When an ambulance has been telephoned for their child.
  • When there has been a head injury (any blow to the head area including ie jaw, ear, nose etc) these are all head injuries that may lead to further complications.
  • When there has been a reaction to any substance ingested.
  • When there has been an Asthma attack, even when the inhaler has been used and it has subsided.
  • When the use of Anti-Histamines have been used as part of an allergy kit left by parent (all instructions are in the care plans).
  • When there has been a seizure of a student who has been diagnosed with Epilepsy. First seizures need an ambulance.
  • Any cut to the body which is judged to need steri-strips/further medical treatment.
  • Any query with medication left for the child to take at the academy.

A text message will be sent to the parent/carer if they are unable to answer the telephone call from the academy, if they are unable to come and collect their child or if they decide it is unnecessary.

Please view/download a copy of our Medical Attention Policy below.