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Pupil Premium 

Grant allocation: The academy was granted £463,175

How is this funding amount arrived at?

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is funding provided to schools and used to address inequalities in educational outcomes for disadvantaged children,

All students within the school who have been identified as being in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) over the last six years (known as Ever 6 FSM) are eligible to draw down funding from the Government and for the academic year 2012-13 the level of funding per student was set at £623.00, this rose to £900.00 in 2013-14. In 2014-15 the funding rose again to £935.00 per pupil, this funding rate of £935.00 per pupil was maintained for 2015-16 and beyond. The academy is now allocated £955 for each eligible student.

Children who are Looked After (CLA) continue to be eligible for a higher rate of funding.  Funding of £2,345.00 for looked-after-children (this is called Pupil Premium Plus).  The eligibility criteria was extended to include those pupils who have been in care for one day or more.

As in 2014-15, schools will also receive £1,900.00 for eligible pupils who have been registered on the school census as having been adopted from care or leaving care under a special guardianship or residence order. The service premium will continue to be extended so that in 2015 to 2016, any pupil in reception to Year 11 who has been flagged as a service child since 2011 will continue to receive the premium (“Ever 5” measure). The service child premium will continue to be paid to schools at the rate of £310.00 per pupil.

As a school, we have the autonomy of how to use the Pupil Premium at a local level to ensure best impact, whilst having the accountability for what should be an improvement  in attainment/achievement/progress/well-being for students in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding.

Identification of Pupil Premium Students

A profiling activity that identifies Ever 6 FSM (Pupil Premium), those eligible for Pupil Premium Plus funding and support (CLA and SCIE) pupils is undertaken annually, and SISRA, SIMS and other school based systems are continually updated with codes for this group allowing all staff to track progress of the Pupil Premium students across all teaching groups and provide timely intervention.  Individual teaching staff are aware of exactly who the pupil premium students are so as to continuously access their progress.

The academy identified the following areas of specific priority for 2015-16 and aimed to address these in terms of improving achievement, well-being and the ability to access a full curriculum.

View/download the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023 -2024 below.