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Mobile Phones

Students will not be allowed to use their phone on academy site. This includes breaks and lunches. Mobile phones should not be seen or heard and if so will be confiscated in line with our current policy. 

Please find a copy of the letter sent to all parents and carers, explaining the process and the reasons as to why this decision has been made. In addition, please find the full academy Policy and a FAQ guide. 


  • Can my child still bring their phone to the academy?
    Yes, although it must be not seen or heard during their time in the academy.
  • Can my child ring me if they need to during the academy day?
    If an urgent message is required they can request to call you through their Head of Year.
  • What if I need to contact my child urgently?
    You can go ring the academy number 01744 678859 and a message will be passed on via Student Reception.
  • What happens if a student gets caught on their phone or it goes off unexpectedly?
    It will be confiscated and placed in Student Reception. It can be collected at 3:10pm. If a student is persistently caught we will ask a parent/carer to collect it.