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Numeracy at The Sutton Academy

At the Sutton Academy, we are committed to ensuring that all students leave with the skills and confidence to use number operationally as well with application. Students deserve the opportunity to be numerate and we strive to support our students in their journey throughout their time here.

What is Numeracy?

To be numerate is to confidently and effectively use mathematics to think logically and meet the everyday demands of life’.

The students at the Sutton Academy are encouraged to hone their skills with number, as well as encouraged to continue to improve, our students are given the opportunity to improve their numeracy not just in maths lessons but also across the curriculum. Applying numeracy to problems outside of maths context and being exposed to consistent approaches allows out students to engage with number in real world problems and prepares them for the applications for when they leave the academy.

Opportunities at The Sutton Academy

Students will be led and encouraged to develop in their numeracy.

  • Students are exposed to consistent approaches in number across the maths department, utilising their specific skills to ensure students are confident in their approaches to calculating with number.
  • Opportunities to develop numeracy will be explicit across the curriculum, with other faculties understanding their role in delivering numeracy to the students.
  • All students have access to Timestable Rockstars where they have the opportunity to practise their timestables.
  • Students are given the opportunity to attend enrichment sessions after school in maths to learn about financial maths as well as preparing for the national UKMT challenge, which is open to all students.
  • Opportunities to see Numeracy in the real world are built into the PSHE scheme and will be delivered to students in order to improve their numeracy.
  • Intervention will be offered to students who are identified to needing some extra support in numeracy.

What can you do as parents?
We would ask that you support us in helping your child to develop good numeracy skills. This website will help you with practical ideas to support your child with numeracy and mathematical skills.