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Iceland Trip

Trip of a lifetime to Iceland.

Our geography students had been anticipating their trip to Iceland for months. As soon as they arrived, they were in awe of the country's natural beauty. During their adventure they visited geothermal lagoons, where they soaked in the warm, soothing waters while marvelling at the stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

They witnessed the geysers erupt in all their glory. The students were amazed as the water and steam shot up high into the sky. 

A highlight of their trip was the powerful waterfalls. The students stood in awe as they gazed at the cascading water, feeling the spray on their faces and the roar of the falls in their ears. They learned about the geological processes that had formed these stunning natural wonders.

The icing on the cake was their visit to the Lava Centre, situated directly beneath the three famous Icelandic volcanoes. The students learned about the formation of Iceland, including its unique geology and volcanic activity. They explored interactive exhibits, watched 3D movies, and even experienced a simulated volcanic eruption.

This was an unforgettable adventure that had left them with a newfound appreciation for the power and beauty of nature.