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NHS Covid Information

Please find below information from the NHS in St Helens around Covid-19 and health, including images and links to useful videos.

Covid-19 update

Rates ae beginning to fall in St Helens but we need to keep it that way – which means following the guidance and doing the simple things:  washing hands, keeping a 2 metre distance from others, and wearing a face covering over your mouth and nose when in shops, on public transport and in other enclosed spaces.

Dr Hilary Flett, a St Helens GP, has recorded a short video you can share which reminds people to get back to basics to stop the spread of the virus during the latest lockdown:


If you have any coronavirus symptoms – a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste - you must self-isolate and book a test as soon as possible. You can book a test online or by calling 119.

Anyone you live with or who is in your support bubble must also self-isolate – even if they do not have symptoms.  You must also self-isolate if you are contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service if you have been a close contact with someone who has tested positive (this may be through school).

Self-isolation means that you should not leave your house or have any visitors for that period.

NHS 111 First

If you or a member of your family thinks you need medical help at A&E but it’s not a life-threatening emergency please call 111 or go online at first.

By contacting NHS 111 first, you will be able to get expert advice from health advisors, nurses, paramedics, doctors and other medical specialists.  Depending on the individual needs of patients, NHS 111 can book time slots for patients at GP surgeries, the St Helens Urgent Treatment Centre and the A&E Department at Whiston Hospital. 

This new way of working will support people to stay as safe as possible during the coronavirus pandemic by managing the number of patients attending services at any one time. It will also ensure patients get the right care, in the right place by signposting and, where possible, supporting people to access the most appropriate local health service in each case.

Patients requiring services at their local GP practice should continue to contact their surgery online or via phone as usual and anyone with a life-threatening emergency should call 999 immediately.

When to keep your child off school

Our GPs have put together this useful chart that shows when you should keep your child off school if they have cold or flu symptoms – which can be easy to confuse with coronavirus symptoms. (Click on link below to view chart)

Alcohol awareness

This week is Alcohol Awareness Week and this video is aimed at young people.  It has lots of contacts at the end of who to contact in St Helens if you need help or advice.

Mental health support –

All children and young people in St Helens aged from 11-25 have access to free mental health support via - an online counselling and wellbeing platform. provides near-instant access to online counselling sessions, chat functions and lots of support material providing help and support on topics such as anxiety, stress and self-harm; meaning that young people can get the support they need much sooner.

The service is quick, easy to use and anonymous, meaning users can feel safe and supported at times when things are getting tough.  Visit to sign up.