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TikTok Advice for Parents

Useful information and support below for parents/carers.

It has come to our attention that there is a highly graphic video currently trending on TikTok that should not be watched. Whilst TikTok have stated that they are doing their best to remove the video, it has been shared across all social media platforms hundreds of thousands of times including under fake captions. Some captions on TikTok are as trivial as ‘look at the pasta I cooked tonight’ before the video then plays; therefore they can come across the video without even searching for it.

Please can you support us in reminding your son/daughter to be very vigilant when watching videos on social media and speak to their tutor if they come across anything that concerns them, so that we can report it.  You can also report yourself using the link following link:

Download a useful Parent Guide to TikTok below.