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Principal's Award winners announced

Each week we award our students for their outstanding commitment to home learning. 

A Principal's Award will be given to the students who show excellent engagement in our online learning.

Our award winners for Friday 19 June are as follows:

Year 7
Isobel Crawley
Jake Harland

Year 8
Taylan Yildirim
Mia Osborne

Year 9 
Felicity Fletcher - for a constant good standard of work and excellent rate of submission via Show My Homework. This has showed a resilience and maturity which will serve her well. 

Jake Gaskell - for demonstrating a consistently amazing work ethic and always being ready to respond to feedback. He has submitted 100% of his tasks in the past two weeks. 

Poppy Edmunds - for her work in the community.

Year 10
Ellie Hughes - for consistently working hard and consistently providing high quality work.

Josh Brown - for showing amazing determination and consistency. His attitude to home learning has been exemplary. 

Marshall Mlloja - for his ongoing engagement.

Year 12
Emma Quixley