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Student Leaders Need Your Help!

Student Leaders need your help in aid of Teardrops charity Supporting the Homeless.

Our student leaders have decided to run a charity drive over the next two weeks to try and gather as many basic items that we may sometimes take for granted.

They are asking each form group to aim to fill a gift bag with as many of the items listed below. If you want to fill more than one, that would be amazing!

Non Perishable Food

Packet food, canned beans, peas, tuna, soup cereals, sugar, tea, coffee, crisps, biscuits, juice, hot chocolate, chocolate, sweets, jam etc.


Products to make up packs for both men and women:  Hair brushes, toothpaste, toothbrush, sanitary products etc.

Toys & Presents

New or nearly new:  Products for all ages, gift tags, wrapping paper, gift bags















Once we have collected our gift bags, we will be taking them to the Tear drops hub on 18th December.

During the day, volunteers from The Sutton Academy will be organising the bags, wrapping gifts and preparing meal packs for the homeless people within our town.

We have been told from the charity that every little helps so anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated.