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Student of the Month

Students nominated for October's Student of the Month.

This award is given to recognise students who have made outstanding progress, excellent effort or gone above and beyond our high expectations. "Well done!"

The following students have successfully been nominated for October's Student Of The Month Award.

All the students have been awarded with a Principal's Badge.

Year 7- Sonia Okereke - A brilliant support to other students and a language ambassador! - Miss Quick

Year 8 - Amy Hurst - An absolutely outstanding Attitude To Learning and consistently trying her best. Her commitment, outputs and desire to consistently do better is striking and I am very confident will lead to many future successes. Amy really does deserve to have her efforts and attitude rewarded.  - Mr Tootle

Year 9 - Abhinav Jeerasoo - A fantastic role model for languages, always willing to get involved in tasks and stretches himself each lesson. - Miss Quick

Year 10 - Connor Waring - Made a great start to languages at the academy, always gives 100% and gets involved in lessons. He is a great role model to others within the class with a fantastic Attitude To Learning. 

Year 11 - Lee Menarry - Lee always does his absolute best in every lesson, and is the best he can be every day. He is extremely polite and well mannered young man and deserves the credit. ​​​​​​​