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Year 8 Options Evening

Options Evening will take place on Thursday 1st February 2018.

Purple pathway – 6.00 pm in the Arts Centre (Arrive at 5.50pm)
Green pathway – 6.30 pm in the Arts Centre
White pathway – 6.30 pm in the Arts Centre

At the evening there will be an opportunity to visit individual subjects in the main academy building to discuss course information and requirements. You will be asked to complete a form indicating the subjects your child would like to sample prior to options interviews.

This form should be handed in at the option planning table before you leave the evening. If you have any questions about possible option choices please see any member of the leadership team during the evening who will be more than happy to guide you.

The individual options interview will take place on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 March. Your appointment time will be posted home closer to the time and we would be very grateful if a responsible parent/carer could attend this meeting alongside your child on this date.

For further information on Year 8 Options please click here.