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Year 11 Food Practicals

Year 11 students complete their Food practical assessments.

A big thank you to everyone for their help, support and understanding this week as our GCSE Food students completed their practical assessments. In total, 41 students produced 3 dishes that demonstrated technical skill and showcased their culinary talents in response to their assessment brief.

Overall, this week has been incredibly successful. The dishes produced on all 4 days have been exceptional and it has been a joy to see the students taking pride in their work along with receiving an overwhelming amount of praise from staff and their peers. On a number of occasions, friends of the students involved were eager to come in and see what had been produced and for no other reason as to commend them on their achievements.

On behalf of the entire Food Department, I would like to thank everyone for making the students feel so incredibly proud of all that they have achieved this week.

Many thanks,

Mr Beales

Curriculum Leader of Food Technology