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Year 6 Open Day 

Year 6 Transition Days – Wednesday 5, Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July 2017

Dear Parent/Carer 

Thank you for choosing to send your child to The Sutton Academy in September. To help make the transition from primary school to the academy as smooth as possible we have arranged 3 transition days in July. During these days your child will meet their new tutor group, will take part in taster lessons and will experience a variety of activities aimed at ensuring each child feels happy and confident and is looking forward to starting in September.

For the 3 days you will be required to make the necessary travel arrangements to ensure your child is at the Arts Centre for 8.25 am each morning and is collected at 2.30 pm. Pupils should wear their primary school uniform on Wednesday and Thursday but need to arrive in their PE kit on Friday.

Hot and cold meals are available to buy from the canteen on the 3 days. We recommend you send no more than £2 to £3 each day. Those who are entitled to a free meal will be provided with one. Facilities are also available for those who wish to bring a packed lunch.

We would also like to invite you to a New Intake Evening on Thursday 6 July 2017. The purpose of the evening is to enable you to meet key staff at the academy and to find out about our induction process. This is always a well-attended event so each school has been given a specific time for the presentations in the Arts Centre. Our uniform suppliers will also be on site during the evening if you wish your child to try on items of clothing before placing your order. The suppliers will be based in the Community Room which is next to the main entrance of the academy building and will be available from 5.30 pm onwards. You are welcome to see the uniform suppliers either before or after your assigned presentation in the Arts Centre but most parents from Willow Tree and Robins Lane usually go before 7.30 pm

New Intake Evening – Thursday 6 July

6.00 pm Sherdley Primary and Eaves Primary

6.45 pm Thatto Heath Primary, Sutton Manor Primary, Sutton Oak C of E Primary

7.30 pm Willow Tree Primary, Robins Lane Primary and ALL OTHER SCHOOLS

We look forward to meeting our new students on Wednesday 5 July and yourselves on Thursday 6 July.

Yours faithfully

Mr L Harvey – Director of Transition & Community