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Authorised and Unauthorised Absences

Authorised Absence

This is when the Principal authorises a genuine reason for absence that has been supported by a note from the parent. Examples are:

  • Illness, medical and dental appointments
  • Interviews with prospective employers and colleges
  • Dual registration
  • Approved educational off-site activities
  • Representation in sport or other areas
  • Special situations and occasions (e.g. funerals)
Unauthorised Absences

This is when the Principal does not authorise the reason for absence even if it has been supported by a note from the parent/carer. If an absence has been supported by a note from the parent and the absence is recorded as unauthorised the parent must be informed immediately. Examples of unauthorised absence could be:

  • Known truancy
  • Absent with no information from parent/carer (regardless of reason)
  • Working (this must be reported to the Principal)
  • Time off for birthdays, family celebrations
  • Holidays
  • Looking after siblings (this must be reported to the Principal)
  • Errands for parents (e.g. shopping).
  • Persistent absenteeism without documentary medical proof.

You may be invited in for a targeted support meeting, issued with a Notice to Improve or issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice. Please refer to the attendance policy for further details relating to these.

Persistent Absenteeism (PA)

Any student whose attendance falls to or below 90% is defined as a Persistent Absentee. Every absence must be supported by official documentation proving appointments, on-going illness/ medical conditions. Without such documentation, absences are recorded as unauthorised and will continue to be unauthorised until documentation has been received by the Attendance Officer. Further details can be found in our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.