Physical Education & Sports
Meet the Team
Faculty Leader PE | Assistant Faculty Leader PE | Teacher of PE & Achievement Leader Year 9 | Teacher of PE & Achievement Leader Year 11 |
Mr Langford | Mrs Whiteside | Miss Lithgow | Mr Cawley |
Teacher of PE / Enrichment and Primary Co-ordinator |
Teacher of PE / Cover Manager / Lead on Standards & Behaviour | Curriculum Leader Dance |
Mrs Egerton | Mr Holme | Mrs Miller |
Participation through all PE lessons is excellent, and the department runs a substantial programme of extra – curricular clubs, teams and activities, which are well subscribed and eagerly attended. There are 6 full time and 1 part time specialist Physical Education teachers within the department as well as a PE technician.
Our PE facilities on site are without doubt the best in the area. There is an eight badminton court sports hall, a standard sized activity hall, which can be used for a variety of sports, netball courts, squash courts and an athletics track.
Physical Education is a vital component in a comprehensive, well-balanced curriculum and can be a major contributing factor in the development of an individual in all aspects of life: physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. Our aims are to educate students so that they make healthy lifestyle choices, for students to enjoy taking part in physical activity and for them to have the confidence to continue to take part in physical activity outside of school.
We also aim to prepare them for further studies in Physical Education by focusing on sports that can be offered as part of the GCSE specification.
When students decide to study Physical Education as an examination course we offer students the opportunity to study OCR GCSE PE, Level 2 BTEC sport as well as Level 3 BTEC sport and Level 3 sports leadership in the 6th Form.
Students will also be encouraged to be creative and develop their leadership skills through a wide range of activities. Students are actively encouraged to help with other aspects of sport and readily assist in refereeing, coaching and organising tournaments and events. The PE Faculty give each student the opportunity to experience and enjoy different sporting activities that will promote the development of a wide variety of skills.
Years 7, 8 & 9
What will I study?
The theme of the Year 7 and 8 two year programme of study is “co-operative learning”. We actively encourage students to work effectively in small groups to develop not only skills, techniques and strategies, but to develop positive work attitudes and an understanding of having a healthy balanced lifestyle.
During their lessons students experience a wide range of activities across core sporting domains:
- Invasion
- Net and wall
- Striking and fielding
- Aesthetic
- Performing at maximum levels
Year 9 core PE introduces students to “sports leadership”. Throughout this year of study students will gain the skills required to become effective sports leaders and have the opportunity to lead other students in different activities covered in Year 7 and 8.
How will I be assessed?
At the end of each unit of work students are assessed on their acquisition of skills and tactical performances against a PACE criteria. This also includes their ability to peer and self-assess during the unit.
Curriculum Maps
Year 7
Dance - (Boys Football Dance)
Dance Girls
Table Tennis
Triple Jump
Year 8
Year 9
Triple Jump
Years 10 & 11
What will I study?
Year 10 core PE really starts to embed these leadership skills through competitive and non-competitive “Sport Education” units of work. Students are assigned home teams and work together to showcase the leadership skills developed in Year 9. They are also introduced to “Teaching games for understanding” an approach designed to promote and encourage tactical thinking and problem solving during gameplay.
Year 11 core PE is all about “participation for life”. We provide students with a range of different activities to choose from to encourage them to develop positive attitudes to lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. The journey they take with us in Year 11 is designed to support their health and well-being in the build up to their GCSE examinations.
The faculty run two examination courses: GCSE Physical Education and BTEC Sport.
GCSE Physical Education
This course will give students a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport and sports science by developing an understanding of how the mind and body works in relation to performance in physical activity. Students will engage in physical activity and sport by contextualising the theory and applying their knowledge to their practical performance.
Theory topics include:
- Sports Psychology
- Movement Analysis
- Anatomy and Physiology and use of data
- Health Fitness and Well-Being
- Physical Training
- Socio cultural influences
BTEC Sport
This course encourages personal development through practical participation and performance in a range of sports and exercise activities whilst giving learners a wider understanding and appreciation of health related fitness, sports and exercise through a selection of optional specialist units. It also encourages learners to develop their people, communication, planning and team working skills through units such as Leadership in Sport.
This course covers a wide variety of sports topics, with elements of both practical and theory.
Units covered include:
Fitness for Sport and Exercise
Practical Sports Performance
Training for Personal Fitness
Leading Sports Activities
Examination courses will allow students to develop expertise in a range of sports, whilst in core PE lessons, the focus is very much on pupils selecting their own sport and developing and advancing their skills as much as they can. Students will develop social skills, observe and appreciate the works of others and also will learn to work co-operatively as part of a team and learn leadership skills.
KS4 students are actively encouraged to help with other aspects of sport and readily assist in refereeing, coaching and organising tournaments and events. The PE Faculty give each student the opportunity to experience and enjoy different sporting activities that will promote the development of a wide variety of skills.
What skills will I develop?
Students will develop your practical ability in a number of different sports. Students will become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical activities.
Students will develop important transferable skills, including numeracy, communication and an understanding of practical performances. The blend of scientific and social knowledge helps students to access a range of qualifications.
How will I be assessed?
GCSE Physical Education
Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems
Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 30% of the qualification
Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology
Topic 2: Movement analysis
Topic 3: Physical training
Topic 4: Use of data
Component 2: Health and Performance
Written examination:1 hour and 15 minutes 30% of the qualification
Topic 1: Health, fitness and well-being
Topic 2: Sport psychology
Topic 3: Socio-cultural influences
Topic 4: Use of data
Component 3: Practical Performance
Internally marked and externally moderated 30% of the qualification
One team activity, one individual activity plus one other
Component 4: Analysis and Evaluation of Performance (AEP)
Internally marked and externally moderated controlled assessment 10% of the qualification
BTEC Sport
This course is both practical and theory. At times lessons are solely classroom based.
4 Units –
Unit 1 - Fitness for Sport & Exercise
Online written examination: 1 hour
Unit 2 - Practical Sports Performance
Coursework and assessment of practical ability
Internally marked and externally moderated
Unit 5 - Training for Personal Fitness
Coursework internally marked and externally moderated
Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities
Coursework internally marked and externally moderated
Curriculum Maps
Year 10 - GCSE PE
Year 11 - GCSE PE
Year 11 - BTEC Sport
Key Stage 5
What will I study?
In Key Stage 5 students study the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport. Four units are studied over the 2 years and are a mixture of internal and external assessments.
This is module assessed course. Students will complete 3 units in Year 12 and a further 2 in Year 13. Students will gain a Certificate in sport after Year 12 360 GLH (445 TQT)
4 units of which 3 are mandatory and 2 are external.
BTEC Sport offers a greater range of topics and more vocational style. BTEC is taught using a range of styles, including; practical work, assessed tasks, oral projects, presentations and independent research. BTEC covers modules;
In Year 12
Unit 1 - Anatomy and Physiology
Written examination – 1 hour 30 minutes
Unit 3 - Professional Development in the Sports Industry
Coursework internally marked and externally moderated
In Year 13
Unit 2 - Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
A task set and marked by supervised conditions.
In Part A, learners will be given a case study one week before a supervised assessment period in order to carry out preparation.
In Part B, the supervised assessment period is 2.5 hours
Unit 4 – Application of Fitness Tests
Coursework internally marked and externally moderated
What skills will I develop?
Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology
In order to appreciate how each of these systems function, students will explore the structure of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and energy systems as well as additional factors which affect sport and exercise performance. The anatomy and physiology of each body system and their processes are very different but work together to produce movement. They will gain a full appreciation of how the body is able to take part in sport and exercise through understanding the interrelationships between these body systems.
Unit 2 Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
In this unit students will explore the process required for screening clients and assessing their lifestyle and nutritional intake. How to interpret this information will then be examined. From this
information they will explore how to make judgements on a specific individual’s current lifestyle and then suggest modifications to help improve the individual’s fitness, health and overall well-being.
Fitness training methods will be examined for each component of physical and skill related fitness.
The selection of appropriate training methods for a selected individual and their application into a training programme will then be explored.
Unit 3 Professional Development in the Sports industry
In this unit, students will research the different possible careers and the associated job roles in the sports industry, then action plan their development towards achieving a selected career aim. They will analyse their own skills and identify how to develop them into a career through the use of a career plan. Students will research their chosen career to understand how to access and progress within it. They will take part in application and interview assessment activities for a selected career pathway, drawing on knowledge and skills from across the qualification to identify their own strengths and gaps in knowledge and skills. They will evaluate their own performance to gain an understanding of the generic employability and specific technical knowledge and skills required to access and progress in a selected career pathway in the sports industry.
Unit 4 – Application of Fitness Tests
In this unit, students will explore the principles of fitness testing and examine the factors affecting the selection and administration of tests, including validity, reliability and suitability of tests. They will explore a range of laboratory and field-based fitness tests and the administration process of each fitness test. They will consider the selection of appropriate tests for specific sports performers, and demonstrate their ability to conduct a range of fitness tests in accordance with the safety and ethical requirements of fitness testing. Finally, students will investigate the process of evaluating and comparing fitness test results to draw meaningful conclusions about a specific person’s fitness.
How will I be assessed?
67% externally assessed examined units.
33% internally assessed coursework.
Curriculum Maps
Year 12 - BTEC Sport
Half Term 1
Year 12 BTEC Sport - Skeletal System
Half Term 2
Half Term 3
Half Term 4
Half Term 5
Year 12 BTEC Sport - Energy Systems
Year 13 - BTEC Sport
Further Information
Extra curricular activities are available to all. They are in the form of competitive or recreational activities. We try to run as many sports as possible throughout the year. Participation in these activities is encouraged for all students.
The PE faculty encourage safe practice when working with others and the correct handling of equipment. We expect each student to wear the correct PE kit for every lesson. As part of safe practice, we ensure students remove jewellery prior to activity and also encourage students to understand the importance of hygiene.