Measures & Destinations
How the academy measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on students. The academy measures the quality of the provision by using the Compass+ tool. The tool allows us to systematically review our provision and reflect on the effectiveness of the offer we provide. To measure the impact on students we have a multilayered approach. Student voice plays a vital role in helping us to understand the impact of careers provision on our students as do student surveys which are circulated after any large scale events. Working with the academy's pastoral and achievement teams, students who are identified as needing further support are referred for further careers advice for our in house Career Connect advisor.
At KS4 the academy conducts supportive destinations interviews to capture the intended destinations of all students. This information is recorded and reviewed systematically and interventions are put in place to support students who have been identified as at risk of being NEET or students who require additional advice and guidance to make informed choices. The academy provides information through Career Connect to support the Local Authority in producing an activity report of all school leavers. The academy's NEET figures are below average for the area. The Sutton Academy is proud of student outcomes and the destinations that our students secure.