World Merit Club
A new enrichment club starts up in association with Youth Federation.
On Thursday 12th March, a group of students held their first Merit First meeting to discuss which SDG’s they will be focusing on in a bid to support the 17 Sustainable Goals.
They have some fantastic ideas to help the environment and we cannot wait to see the students carrying out their pledges around the academy.
Merit First is a program for secondary schools school children across the world to join the wider global community of World Merit and tackle the United Nations’ SDGs in their schools and communities. Through a council structure students will launch Merit First, help plan and carry out projects, events and schemes based around the SDGs and gain access to life-changing opportunities. Developing leadership skills and become a global and responsible citizen is not only beneficial for personal growth and future university application, it also contributes to the Ofsted framework
By joining the council, students enhance their CV with an impressive commitment and gain a brilliant insight into the planning and delivering of projects, which will draw on all their communicative and leadership skills. The students will be able to put their learning to use by making real changes in their life and the lives of others.