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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development is delivered on a weekly basis, with relevant sessions for assemblies and Ready to Learn time.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development also occurs through:

  • Faith Days taking place during the academy year, with representatives from a variety of religions and charities in the academy delivering awareness sessions on a carousel format
  • Extensive charity involvement as an academy
  • Religious Education
  • The ethos of the academy – values, attitudes and expectations which encourage respect, tolerance and contemplation
  • Overseas trips as well as subject enhancing visits to centres of cultural interest

Spiritual - Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Moral - Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.

Social - Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.

Cultural - Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

SMSC Timetable
APR - MAY Topic
  Am I a Global Citizen?
  National Teen Self-Esteem Month
  Respect - Linked to ATL
JUN - JUL Topic
  Pride Month
  Who Am I? 6 Word Autobiography
  Celebrating Diversity
  Effort - Linked to ATL
  Cultural events throughout Summer